Intermodule Measurements
To capture the waveform of a glitch
To capture the waveform of a glitch
The following setup uses the triggering capability of the timing analyzer and the acquisition capability of the oscilloscope.
1Select the Intermodule Menu.
2Select the timing analyzer from the Modules list and set it to Group Run. Select the oscilloscope module and set it to respond to the arm signal from the timing analyzer.
3Select the timing analyzer module.
4Select the Trigger menu, and within the menu, select an Edge term.
5Assign glitch detection "*" to the channel of interest represented by the Edge term.
This will usually be the same channel monitored by the oscilloscope.
6Select the oscilloscope Trigger menu, and set Mode to Immediate.
7Select the Group Run field in the upper right corner.
If you have trouble capturing the glitch waveform on the oscilloscope, try adjusting the skew in the Intermodule menu, so the oscilloscope triggers earlier.
A timing analyzer can trigger on a glitch and capture it, but a timing analyzer doesn’t have the voltage or timing resolution to display the glitch in detail. An oscilloscope can display a glitch waveform with fine resolution, but cannot trigger on glitches, combinations of glitches, or sophisticated patterns involving many channels.