Table |
| HP 16550A Resource Division |
| ||
| Group | Pair | Resource Operation | Resource | Pair Links | Group Link |
| Group | Pair 1 | Off, On, Negate | a | Combine |
| 1 |
| Off, On, Negate | b | resources |
| |
| Pair 2 | Off, On, Negate | c | within |
| Off, In Range, Out of Range | Range 1 | pairs |
| Pair 3 | Off, On, Negate | d | using | Combine |
| Off, On, Negate | Edge 1 | AND, | pairs |
| NAND, OR, | within |
| Pair 4 | Off, On, Negate | e |
| ||
| Off, <, > | Timer 1 | XNOR | groups or |
| Group | Pair 1 | Off, On, Negate | f |
| in group 1 |
| 2 |
| Off, On, Negate | g | Combine | and group |
| |
| resources | 2 using |
| Pair 2 | Off, On, Negate | h |
| ||
| Off, In Range, Out of Range | Range 2 | within | AND or OR |
| Pair 3 | Off, On, Negate | i | pairs |
| Off, On, Negate | Edge 2 | using |
| Pair 4 | Off, On, Negate | j | AND, |
| Off, <, > | Timer 2 | NAND, OR, |
| NOR, |
So, the following combinations are valid combinations for the state analyzer, if timers are on:
(a+b) ∙ (In_Range2 + Timer2 > 400 ns)
(c ∙ Out_Range1) + (f xor g)
The following combinations are not valid, because resources cross pair boundaries:
(a + c)
(d + Timer1 < 400 ns)
The first example shows that a and c cannot be combined at the first level. You can get around this, however, by combining them at the second level.