1 Triggering
To store and time the execution of a subroutine
To trigger on the nth recursive call of a recursive function
To capture a write of known bad data to a particular variable
To verify that all stacks and registers are restored correctly before exiting a subroutine
To trigger after all status bus lines finish transitioning
To verify that the chip select line of a memory chip is strobed after the address is stable
To trigger when expected data does not appear on the data bus from a remote device when requested
To test minimum and maximum pulse limits
To detect bus contention
To examine software execution when a timing violation occurs
2 Intermodule Measurements
Intermodule Measurement Examples
To set up a group run of modules within the HP 16500C
To start a group run of modules from an external trigger source
the HP 16500 and 16501 mainframe
To see the status of a module within an intermodule measurement
intermodule measurement
To use a timing analyzer to detect a glitch