File Management
To transfer data files from the HP 16500C system to your computer
To transfer data files from the HP 16500C system to your computer
You can transfer data from the HP 16500C system to your PC or workstation by copying files. Data files in binary format are available in file locations \slot_x\data.raw. These binary files can be transferred to your computer and then reloaded into the HP 16500C system later.
For some types of measurement modules, data files in ASCII format are also available. The ASCII data files are in file locations
\slot_x\data.asc\{analyzer name}\{label name}.txt
Depending on which measurement module you are using, there might not be a subdirectory corresponding to an analyzer name. There is an ASCII data file corresponding to each label name you have created in the measurement module.
1Set up the system for the measurement you want to make.
You can do this from the front panel or remotely.
2Run the analyzer to acquire data.
You can do this from the front panel or remotely.
3If you would like the data in binary format, copy the file data.raw to your computer from the file location \slot_{x}\data.raw
The x represents the slot in which the measurement module is installed.
4If you would like the data in ASCII format, copy the files corresponding to the labels you want to view from the file location
\slot_{x}\data.asc\{analyzer name}\{label name}.txt
Depending on which measurement module you are using, there might not be a subdirectory corresponding to an analyzer name.