Table 3-2 TFTP configuration file parameters (continued)
ftp-printing: (or ftp-config:, ftp:)
Print through FTP. 0: Disable. 1 (default): Enable.
Print through WS. 0 (default): Disable. 1: Enable.
ipp-printing: (or ipp-config:, ipp:)
Print through IPP. 0: Disable. 1 (default): Enable.
lpd-printing: (or lpd-config:, lpd:)
Print using the line printer daemon (LPD) on the HP Jetdirect print server. 0: Disable. 1 (default): Enable.
Print a
Use job accounting for IPP printing. 0: Disable. 1 (default): Enable.
Add a
CAUTION: Do not use lowercase and uppercase characters to differentiate queue names. Management of LPD queues by other tools can cause unpredictable results.
Set the queue name to use when the specified queue for a print job is unknown. The default queue name is: AUTO
Specify a
interlock: (or interlock-mode:)
Require an acknowledgement (ACK) on all TCP packets before allowing the printer to close a port 9100 print connection. Specify a port number and the parameter value. For current HP Jetdirect print servers, the port number is 1. For example, interlock 1 1 specifies port 1 and enable interlock. 0 (default): Disable. 1: Enable.
buffer-packing: (or packing:)
Pack the TCP/IP data buffer.
0 (default): Pack the data buffer before sending to the printer.
1: Disable buffer packing. Data is sent to the printer as it is received.
Set the TCP PSH flag for
0 (default): Disable.
1: Enable the
ENWW | IPv4 configuration 29 |