Table 3-3 Telnet Commands and Parameters (continued)
| Specify the wireless signal strength level where the print server seeks an access point |
| that provides a stronger signal strength. Select from the following levels: |
| 2 (Default): Sets the threshold to a weak signal. |
| 1: Sets the threshold to a very weak signal. |
| 0: Sets the threshold to where there is no detected signal. |
| When the print server is associated with a particular access point, it remains with that |
| access point until the specified threshold level is reached. Setting the threshold level to |
| 0 or 1 can prevent or limit the print server from roaming. |
802.11 Wireless Diagnostics |
Current SSID | |
| connected. |
Current Channel | |
Signal Strength | |
| <blank>: No radio signal detected while the print server is scanning. |
| No Signal: No radio signal detected on any channel. |
| Poor/Marginal/Good/Excellent: Detected signal strength level. |
Access Point Mac | |
| used for Infrastructure mode communications, as in the following example: |
| 00:a0:f8:38:7a:f7 |
| In this example, the access point with MAC address 00a0f8387af7 is used for |
| communicating on the network. |
TCP/IP Main |
llmnr | Link local multicast name resolution (LLMNR). |
| 0: Disable. |
| 1 (defualt): Enable. |
| Name of the network device. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters. |
| For example, |
| default host name is NPIxxxxxx, where xxxxxx are the last six digits of the LAN |
| hardware (MAC) address. |
| Print server configuration method. Use the following values: |
| manual: Wait for IP parameters using manual tools, such as Telnet, the HP Embedded |
| Web Server, the control panel, or installation/management software. Status is User |
| Specified. |
| bootp: Send BOOTP requests on the network for dynamic IP configuration. |
| dhcp: Send DHCP requests on the network for dynamic IP configuration. |
| auto_ip: Automatically configure with a unique |
46 Chapter 3 TCP/IP configuration | ENWW |