Table 3-2TFTP configuration file parameters (continued)

trap-dest: (or trap-destination:)

Add a host's IP address to the HP Jetdirect print server's SNMP trap destination list. The list can contain up to six entries. To receive SNMP traps, the systems listed on the SNMP trap destination list must have a trap daemon that listens for the traps. The following is the parameter format:

trap-dest: <ip-address> [community name] [port number]

The default community name is public. The default SNMP port number is 162. (You must enter a community name to specify a port number.)

If a trap-destfollows a trap-community-name, the trap community name is assigned to those entries unless a different community name is specified in each trap-destcommand.

To delete the table list, set trap destination to zero (trap-dest: 0).

By default the SNMP trap destination list is empty and does not send SNMP traps.


ipx-config: (or ipx/spx:)

IPX/SPX protocol operation on the print server. 0: Disable. 1 (default): Enable.

NOTE: On HP Jetdirect 640n print servers, by default all network protocols except TCP/IP are disabled.


Name assigned to the print server. By default, the name is NPIxxxxxx, where xxxxxx are the last six digits of the LAN hardware address. Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters.


IPX frame type setting available for your print server model. Set to AUTO (default), EN_SNAP, EN_8022, EN_8023, EN_II.


Time in seconds that the HP Jetdirect print server waits between service advertising protocol (SAP) broadcasts on the network. The range is 1 to 3600 seconds. 0: Disable. 60 (default): Enable SAP broadcasts.


Name of the Novell directory services (NDS) tree for this printer.


NDS context for the HP Jetdirect print server. Enter up to 256 alphanumeric characters.


Time in seconds that the HP Jetdirect print server waits to check for print jobs in a print queue. The range is 1 to 255 seconds. 0: Disable. 2 (default): Enable.

pjl-banner: (or ipx-banner:)

Print an IPX banner using the printer job language (PJL). 0: Disable. 1 (default): Enable banner pages.

pjl-eoj: (or ipx-eoj:)

IPX end-of-job notification. 0: Disable. 1 (default): Enable.

pjl-toner-low: (or ipx-toner-low:)

IPX toner-low notification. 0: Disable. 1 (default): Enable.

34 Chapter 3 TCP/IP configuration


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HP 640n Print Server Trap-dest or trap-destination, Trap-dest ip-address community name port number, Ipx-config or ipx/spx