AC/DC Adapter
connecting optional adapter, 20 acronyms, 8
Agents, NetServer, 13 audience, 9
Automatic Server Restart (ASR), 11 Automatic server shutdown, 11
Battery disposal, 89 Battery operation, 87
cabling configuration, 17 charging, 87
life expectancy, 88
limited card function when running on low battery, 88
mounting the battery pack, 16 shutting down the board, 87
Battery replacement, 89
setup program, 24 updating the system, 16
Configurable options in web interface, 35
HP TopTools Remote Control card, 24
IP Address, 25 LAN, 25
pcANYWHERE32 on the server, 43 pcANYWHERE32 remote client
software, 46 PPP, 26 remote boot, 27
remote client using LAN, 29 remote client using PPP, 30 update firmware, 27
console redirection, 9
defaults, resetting the user database to, 56
DHCP support, 12 DHCP, using, 26, 54 diagnostics, 11 Diagnostics, 11 Dialback described, 10 dialback modem settings, 30 documentation included, 8 DOS file transfer, 11
environmental monitoring, 10 error codes, 57
Event Codes, 57 event notification, 11
external modem connection, 29
F features, 9 firmware
update configuration, 27 functions, 9
graceful shutdown, 9
H Hardware
setting up, 15
how Remote Control works, 6
HP TopTools Remote Control card web interface, 37