(ADF) automatic document feeder
clean 110 feeding problems,
troubleshoot 110 10 x 15 cm photo paper
copy 31
4 x 6 inch photo paper copy 31
accessibility 3 accessories
acoustic emissions 159 ADF (automatic document
feeder) capacity 16 load originals 16
administrator settings 64
ADSL, fax setup with parallel phone systems 73
after the support period 151 align ink cartridges 102 answer ring pattern
change 56
parallel phone systems 74 answering machine
fax tones recorded 141 set up with fax (parallel phone systems) 84
set up with fax and modem 85
automatic document feeder (ADF)
capacity 16 clean 110 feeding problems,
troubleshoot 110 load originals 16
automatic fax reduction 52
Back button 10 backup fax 49 baud rate 58
best copy quality 33 black and white pages
copy 30 fax 40 troubleshoot 120
black dots or streaks, troubleshoot copies 125 scan 129
blank pages, troubleshoot copy 123
print 115 scan 129
blocked fax numbers set up 52
borderless printing
Mac OS 25
Windows 25 broadcast faxing
send 44
buttons, device control panel 10
cancel copy 36 print job 29 scan 39 scheduled fax 44
Cancel button 10 capacity
ADF 16 tray 21
cards guidelines 18
sizes supported 20 tray supporting 21
automatic document feeder 110
exterior 110
ink cartridge contacts 105
ink cartridge ink nozzle area 106
ink cartridges 104 scanner glass 109
color copies 36 fax 45
color copy 30
colored text, and OCR 39 colors
bleeding 121 faded or dull 120 print black and white,
troubleshoot 120 troubleshoot 121 wrong 120
computer modem shared with fax (parallel
phone systems) 77 shared with fax and
answering machine (parallel phone systems) 85
shared with fax and voice line (parallel phone systems) 80
shared with fax and voice mail (parallel phone systems) 89
confirmation reports, fax 60 connections
features available 11 connectors, locating 9 contrast, fax 46
copy cancel 36
enhance light areas 36 from the device control
panel 30 legal to letter 34 number of copies 31 paper size 31 paper types,
recommended 32 photos, enhance 35 quality 33, 124