Table 2-1. Chassis Codes for J6000 Workstations
Ostat | Code | FRU | Message | Description |
TST | 7020 | SYS BD | search for IMM | Try to find a single memory bank to use |
| for the initial memory module. |
TST | 703s | DIMM | DIMM s IMM vrfy | DIMM s was the initial memory module |
| last boot. Verify it still works. |
FLT | 704s | DIMM | DIMM s IMM fail | DIMM s failed the initial memory module |
| test. |
TST | 705s | DIMM | DIMM s IMM test | Test DIMM in slot s as the initial memory |
| module. |
INI | 706s | DIMM | DIMM s is IMM | DIMM s chosen as initial memory module. |
INI | 70F0 | DIMM | DIMM scan done | Memory DIMM scan complete. |
TST | 7100 | SYS BD | mem register tst | Start testing registers in memory |
| controller. |
WRN | 7101 | SYS BD | skip mem reg tst | Bypass the memory controller register |
| test. |
FLT | 7102 | SYS BD | mem addr reg tst | Firmware detected an error in the |
| memory controller address registers. |
FLT | 7103 | SYS BD | mem mbat reg tst | Firmware detected an error in the |
| memory controller bank registers. |
FLT | 7104 | SYS BD | mem reg tst fail | Firmware detected an error in the |
| memory controller memory registers. |
FLT | 7105 | SYS BD | mem err reg test | Firmware detected an error in the |
| memory controller error registers. |
FLT | 7106 | SYS BD | mem err clr fail | Firmware was unable to clear the error |
| registers after testing. |
INI | 7200 | DIMM | strt DIMM detect | Start the Serial Presence Detection (SPD) |
| to search for memory DIMMs. |
INI | 7201 | DIMM | DIMM detect x% | SPD is x% finished. |
WRN | 7202 | SYS BD | skip DIMM detect | Bypass Serial Presence Detection. |
FLT | 7203 | DIMM | unsupp DIMM type | SPD found an unsupported DIMM type. |
FLT | 7204 | DIMM | SPD fatal error | SPD detected an unexpected, fatal error. |
INI | 7205 | DIMM | add HP DIMM type | New HP manufactured DIMM type added |
| to tables. |
INI | 7206 | DIMM | New | |
| (use at own risk). |
52 | Chapter 2 |