B-12 IBM Personal Computer User Guide

Modem response codes

The following table lists the basic codes that the modem sends to your computer in

response to the commands you type. They are called response codes.

Table 5: Basic Response codes

Digit code Word code Meaning
0OK Command was carried out without error
1Connect Connected at 300 bits per second (bps)
2Ring Ringing signal detected
3No carrier Carrier is lost or not heard
4Error Error in the command line
Invalid command
Command line exceeds buffer
Invalid character format
6No dial tone No dial tone during the time-out period
7Busy The line being called is busy
8No answer The line being called did not answer within the time-out
11 Connect xxxx Connected at 2400 bps
24 Delayed Dialing delayed
32 Blacklisted Number is blacklisted
33 Fax Fax connection
35 Data Data connection
+F4 +FC error Fax error