AIX | PowerExecutive | |
Alert on LAN | Predictive Failure Analysis | |
BladeCenter | ServeRAID | |
Chipkill | ServerGuide | XpandOnDemand |
ServerProven | xSeries | |
Eserver | System x |
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Important notes
Processor speeds indicate the internal clock speed of the microprocessor; other factors also affect application performance.
When referring to microprocessor storage, real and virtual storage, or channel volume, KB stands for approximately 1000 bytes, MB stands for approximately 1 000 000 bytes, and GB stands for approximately 1 000 000 000 bytes.
When referring to hard disk drive capacity or communications volume, MB stands for 1 000 000 bytes, and GB stands for 1 000 000 000 bytes. Total
Maximum internal hard disk drive capacities assume the replacement of any standard hard disk drives and population of all hard disk drive bays with the largest currently supported drives available from IBM.