Intel® IXP400 Software

Access-Layer Components: Queue Manager (IxQMgr) API

mechanism, although the choice of implementation would depend upon the OS, the application, and the nature of the traffic. The following includes factors to be considered in selecting the appropriate mechanism:

Event-based interrupt – Interrupt driven through QM1 or QM2 interrupt:

system is interrupted only when there is traffic to service

suitable for low traffic rates

provides lowest latency

Timer-based interrupt – polled from timer-based interrupt:

suitable for high traffic rates

minimizes the ISR overhead

most efficient use of the Intel XScale core

Polling mode – Busy loop to poll the queues:

suitable for higher traffic rates

throttles traffic automatically when additional cycles are not available on the Intel XScale core

The status flag gets cleared within the dispatcher loop prior to servicing of the callback function. The QM1 and QM2 interrupt gets cleared when all the status flags for all the queues are cleared and if the interrupt enable bit is set. There can only be one dispatcher loop that can be defined for each set of queues.

Once the IxQMgr is initialized and the queues are configured, the Codelet/Customer code must determine how to invoke the dispatcher. Prior to invoking the dispatcher function, as stated before, the ixQMgrDispatcherLoopGet(&dispatcher), returns a function pointer for the appropriate dispatcher. The dispatcher is invoked with an argument that points to the upper or lower 32 queues to determine if any queues in that group require servicing.

Note: Only one dispatcher can be invoked per each set of upper and lower 32 queues. The client can register multiple callbacks as long as each of the callbacks are for different queues. When interrupted, the dispatcher will read the status flag register from the AQM and service only one of the callbacks that was registered for a given queue. In the event that multiple callbacks are registered for the same queue, the dispatcher will service the last registered callback.

Figure 90 shows the following sequence of events that occur when a dispatcher is run in the context of an interrupt.

At the start of the dispatcher, the interrupt register is read and written back immediately except in case of a livelock dispatcher. Since livelock prevention uses sticky interrupt, the interrupt gets cleared only when the queue threshold falls below the set watermark level.

1.The user registers a callback function with the access-layer component (for example, EthAcc). The dispatcher invokes callback in the access-layer component, and the access-layer component then invokes the user callback.

2.When the NPE receives a packet it updates the Rx Queue with location of the buffer.

3.Provided the Interrupt bit is set, when the water mark is crossed the status flag gets updated corresponding to that queue and it triggers an interrupt to the Intel XScale core.

4.The Intel XScale core vectors the interrupt to the corresponding ISR.

April 2005

IXP400 Software Version 2.0

Programmer’s Guide


Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007


Page 270
Image 270
Intel IXP400 manual Document Number 252539, Revision