4: System Control
To see if the L2 is running (it will be if the LAN cable is plugged in and the cable is connected to an active LAN).
At the L1 prompt type:
L2 Controller is running.
If the L2 is not running type:
This switches the system controller to run level 4 and forces the L2 to be started whether or not the LAN is plugged in. There is a space between the “!” and “init”
Verify the L2 is running again as above.
To set the IP address on the L2 type:
Verifying that the system serial number is set on the L2:
To set the L2 system serial number:
Verifying that msys is enabled (this allows multiple L2s in a system to exist peacefully with other L2s from another system on the same subnet)
If msys is off, turn it on:
Reboot the system controller to make the IP address change take effect.
Once this is done for all target IRUs and Dense routers, connect them to the network (using an optional Ethernet switch if necessary).
The rackid on the L2 cannot be set with the L2 “rackid” command, instead it will be inherited from the local L1. As an example: the L2 running on the system controller in 1r41 will have a rack id of 141 (rack * 100 + slot of the local L1).
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