12-6 July 1998
12.2 Verify Network Connectivity
1. When the printer Þnishes initialization and the front display/control
panel displays the message ÒREADY,Ó check that the LEDs on the
back of the printer operate correctly.
¥ The Yellow LED should illuminate and be in a stable condition. If
the light does not illuminate or is unstable, check the connectivity
between the Network Interface Card and the network hub switch.
If the connectivity is correct, the Network Interface Card may be
¥ The Green LED should blink intermittently indicating a burst of
trafÞc on the network. If the Green LED does not blink, the
Network Interface Card may be defective.
2. Make sure that the mode switches on the Network Interface Card are
set correctly. For printing the NIC must be in ÒNormalÓ (D1 & D2 Up)
or ÒTelentÓ (D1 Up, D2 Down) mode for printing. If necessary, refer to
the NIC Mode Switch diagram in the NIC installation chapter.
3. Make sure that the network cables are connected correctly and are
in good working condition. If necessary, install a new cable.
If the printer can print from the parallel or Local Talk ports, check for
the correct network setup.
12.3 Verify Network Parameters
1. With a printer in PostScript mode, make a NIC ConÞguration Test
Print if you have not already done so. The NIC must be in ÒTest
PageÓ (D1 Down, D2 Up) mode and power cycled to print a NIC Con-
Þguration page.
Verify that pertinent AppleTalk, IPX, NetBeui and/or TCP/IP
parameters that have been set up are correct.
Raster only printers can not print a NIC conÞguration Test Print.
Instead, use NIC conÞguration utilities to verify network parameters.
2. Power cycle the printer. Under some circumstances the printer may
lose network communications with the host and not regain them until
a reinitialization occurs. Parameters that are conÞgured on the NIC
are not effective until you power cycle the printer.
3. You may want to reset the NIC to factory defaults by using the NIC
faceplate mode switches. Refer to ÓAppendix CÓ for instructions on
resetting the NIC.