Windows - FastManage Configuration Utilities
July 1998 3-35
3.11.3 Discovery Application Messages
The following table lists errors messages that you may see while using
the Discovery Application.
For reliable Discovery operation using IPX, it is recommended that the
following systems all be on the same subnet :
¥ Novell server servicing the printer
¥ Novell server you log into as a user from the workstation running
Discovery. (It is also recommended that this server be the same as
the server servicing the printer).
¥ Workstation running Discovery
¥ Kodak printer
3.11.4 Ping Application Message
The following message may appear while you are using the Ping
Discovery Application Messages
Message Solution
IP, IPX, and NetBIOS Discovery are
disabled. For Discovery to work, at least
one of them should be enabled. Please
update SNMP section, IP/IPX entries of
issnmp.ini Þle. Discovery will exit now
Valid Values are: IP=YES or IP=NO,
IPX=YES or IPX=NO, and
NetBIOS=Yes or NetBIOS=No
Unable to open Þle (bitmap Þle) or
Unable to copy palette for the bitmap or
Unable to create bitmap from Þle DIB
The FastManage installation may be
bad. Reinstall.
No such pathway or drive is not ready Restart Windows.
Ping Application Message
Message Solution
IP is disabled in the Þle issnmp.ini. IP
needs to be enabled for this application
to run. This application will exit now
Enable IP discovery in the Discovery
Application to enabled IP.