Novell NetWare
July 1998 4-9
6. Once it locates a Bindery Þle server, the NIC looks in its preferred
server for an NVRAM value, and if a value exists, routes itself to that
7. The NIC then looks on the preferred server for a print server queue in
the form of KDxxxxxx.
8. The NIC then reads the print server queueÕs conÞguration Þle and logs
in and attaches to the queues and servers listed in that conÞguration
9. If a preferred server was not speciÞed in its NVRAM, the NIC searches
up to 24 Þle servers on the network for a print queue.
10.If a print queue is not found, the NIC goes back periodically through
the list of servers and try to blindly log in as print server KDxxxxxx. If
successful, it gets the list of queues that the NIC should service and
attaches to those queues.
4.5 Novell NetWare - AppleTalk
If AppleTalk Print Services (ATPS) for Novell is not already in use, consult
the Novell CD-ROM on-line documentation to set up and use ATPS. To
use ATPS for the Kodak printer, an ATPS.CFG Þle must be edited
appropriately to deÞne an AppleTalk printer name and corresponding
Note: AppleTalk for Novell recognizes the printer only when it is in
PostScript mode. Raster mode cannot be accommodated. You
must set up an IPX queue to support both PostScript and raster
modes. Only Macintosh systems can print in raster mode using
4.5.1 Configuring Novell NetWare 3.x for AppleTalk
To use ATPS for Novell, an atps.cfg Þle must be edited appropriately to
deÞne an AppleTalk printer name and corresponding zone.
Note: You cannot print in raster mode using ATPS.
The following procedure describes how to conÞgure Novell ATPS to
service the printer and the queue. In this example, the printer is a Kodak
printer with a default name of Kodak Digital Scienceª 8650 PS.
1. Make a test print to obtain or verify the printerÕs name.