Using a recorded sound more than once in the same .SNG file
2In the Drive Select box, select the hard disk that contains the data you wish to load.
3In the directory window, specify the data that you wish to load.
As necessary, use the Open or Up buttons to move through the directory hierar- chy, and specify the data to be loaded.
4Execute the page menu command “Load Selected.”
The dialog box that appears when Load Selected is executed will depend on the type of data that is being loaded. Follow the instructions given in the dialog box that appears. For details on the various dialog boxes and the procedure, refer to the explanations for the page menu commands in
Using a recorded sound more than once in the same .SNG file
Creating different arrangements using the same vocal
After selecting a new song in Song mode, select the “Copy from Song” function from the page menu of Sequencer mode P1 to copy the song containing the data you wish to use to a new song. Then
Using the same sound more than once
Here is a useful way to use a recorded sound effect more than once.
For example, suppose that you are using song 19 as a “library song” that con- tains various sound effects recorded at different locations.
To use a sound from this “library song,” use the P5 tab 3 page (ATrkEdit) page menu command “Copy Measure” to copy sounds to the desired location in the song that you are creating. If you need to make fine adjustments to the location of the sound, use the P5 tab 3 page (ATrkEdit) page menu command “Audio Event Edit.”
If you use the “Copy Measure” command to copy all sounds recorded in other songs to a “library song,” these sounds will be ready for immediate use if they are ever needed later; you will not have to
Collecting sounds in a “library song” in this way also provides a backup of the sounds.
In the “Copy Measure” dialog box, specify the Start Measure and End Measure of the copy source, and execute the copy command. At the copy destination, the number of measures specified in the dialog box will be overwritten. For example if measures