Sequencer P5
Example: If measures
Track 1 (source)
Track 2 (destination)
If Audio Events would overlap as a result of executing this command, the lower portion of the overlap will be erased when you press the Execute but- ton.
If you execute the Copy Measure command between songs whose Tempo settings differ, the playback time will be different even if the number of mea- sures is identical. This will cause problems such as the data failing to fit within the specified measures, or a gap resulting.
5–3I: Move Measure
This command moves measures of playback data from the audio track specified in the dialog box to the Start Measure of the audio track specified in the tab 3 page.
Be aware that executing the Move Measure command will change the playback data as follows.
•Playback data following the move source measures will slide toward the beginning of the song by the number of measures that were moved.
•Playback data following the move destination measure will slide toward the end of the song by the number of measures that were moved.
1In the tab 3 page, specify the move destination track and the Start Measure.
2When you choose Move Measure, the dia- log box at right will appear.
3Specify the move source audio track.
If you wish to move the playback data of all tracks including the MIDI tracks, check the All Tracks box.
4Specify the Start Measure and End Measure of the move source.
5To execute the Move Measure command, press the OK button. To cancel without executing, press the Cancel button.
If Audio Events would overlap as a result of executing this command, the lower portion of the overlap will be erased when you press the Execute but- ton.