7: Line and Tunnel Settings
To configure a specific line in Command Mode, click Line in the menu and select Line 1
Using the CLI
To enter Line 1 command level: enable
Using XML
Include in your file: <configgroup name="line" instance="1">
Include in your file: <configgroup name="serial command mode" instance="1">
To View Line Statistics
Using Web Manager
To view statistics for a specific line, click Line in the menu and select Line 1
Using the CLI
To view Line statistics: enable
Using XML
Include in your file: <statusgroup name=”line” instance=”1”>
Tunnel Settings
Tunneling allows serial devices to communicate over a network, without “being aware” of the devices which establish the network connection between them. Tunneling parameters are configured using the Tunnel menu and submenus. The Tunnel settings allow you to configure how the
Note: The following section describes the steps to view and configure Tunnel 1 settings; these steps apply to other tunnel instances of the device.
Serial Settings
These serial settings for the tunnel apply to the Serial Line interface. The Line Settings and Protocol are displayed for informational purposes and must be configured from the Line settings.
| Table |
Tunnel Serial | Description |
Settings |
Line Settings | Line Settings information here is display only. Go to the section, To Configure |
| Line Settings to modify these settings. |
PremierWave XN User Guide | 48 |