6: Network Settings
Using XML
Include in your file:
<configgroup name=:”wlan profile” instance=”profile name”> and
<configitem name=”security”>>
WLAN Profile WEP Settings
WEP security is available in both Infrastructure and AdHoc modes. WEP is a simple and efficient security mode encrypting the data via the RC4 algorithm. However, WEP has become more vulnerable due to advances in hacking technology. State of the art equipment can find WEP keys in five minutes. For stronger security, please use WPA, or better, WPA2 with AES (CCMP).
Table 6-11 Additional WEP Settings for WLAN Profile.
WLAN Profile WEP Settings | Description |
Authentication | Select one of the following options: |
| Shared = encryption keys of both parties are compared as a |
| form of authentication. If mismatched, no connection is |
| established. |
| Open = a connection is established without first checking for |
| matching encryption keys. However, mismatched keys will |
| result in garbled data and thus a lack of connectivity on the IP |
| level. |
Key Size | Select the key size in bits. Select 40 for WEP40 and WEP64; |
| select 104 for WEP104 and WEP128. |
TX Key Index | Select one of four index listing keys for transmitting data. |
| Reception is allowed with all four keys. |
| Note: For operability with some products that generate four |
| identical keys from a passphrase, this index must be one. |
Keys | Enter one or more encryption keys in hexadecimal format. Enter |
| 10 hexadecimal digits |
| The configured keys are not shown for security reasons. |
To Configure WLAN Profile WEP Settings
Using Web Manager
To view or edit an existing WLAN Profile WEP setting, click WLAN Profiles on the menu, select an existing profile and select WEP for the suite.
Using the CLI
To enter the wlan0 Profile WEP command level: enable
Using XML
Include in your file:
PremierWave XN User Guide | 42 |