Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting

7.5 Composite Link Settings - Internal DSU

Table 7-5. Composite Link Settings - Internal DSU

Step Procedure

1Toggle DIP switch position 3 to the down (closed) position to enable the command port.

2Connect a terminal or PC running communications software to the DATA/COMMAND connector on the back panel of the DataTalker.

Note: Any cables connected to the computer should be shielded to reduce interference.

3Apply power to the DataTalker.

4Apply power to the terminal or PC. Run the PC’s communications software in terminal mode and press ENTER twice to establish communications with the DataTalker. The Main Menu appears:

Main Menu

1 - Configurations

2 - Statistics

3 - Reset Options

4 - Diagnostics

5 - Exit Command Mode


Selection : _

5 Enter 1 and press ENTER. The Configurations menu is displayed:


1 - Data Port Configuration

2 - Voice/Fax Channel(s) Configuration

3 - Composite Link Configuration

4 - Factory Default Configuration Options

5 - Configure Remote Unit

S - Store All Configurations

M - Main Menu

P - Previous Menu

Selection : _

6Enter 3 and press ENTER to display the Composite Link Settings - Internal DSU menu.

7Verify the internal DSU settings. To change settings, enter the appropriate option numbers. The default settings are correct for a 56K bps DDS line.

C o m p o s i t e

L i n k S e t t i n g s - I n t e r n a l D S U


- S p e e d :


5 6 k


- C l o c k i n g :


S - S t o r e

A l l C o n f i g u r a t i o n s



- M a i n M e n u


P - P r e v i o u s M e n u


S e l e c t i o n

: _


8When all options for the DSU are set, enter S and press ENTER to store all configurations. Then enter M and press ENTER to return to the Main Menu.

9Disconnect the terminal or PC from the command port and place DIP switch position 3 in the up (OPEN) position to change the command/data port to a data channel.


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Multi-Tech Systems DT102/xx, DT101/xx owner manual Composite Link Settings Internal DSU