Directory Dialing
Dialing Options Available while Entering a Name
The following table shows the dialing options available to the caller while they are entering a name into a Directory Dialing Mailbox.
❥By default, the caller can dial the digs
❥If a Next Call Routing Mailbox is specified, the caller can dial the digits
Directory Dialing Mailbox Name Entry Options
(Options available while entering a name)
Dialed Digit | Next Call Routing Mailbox Setting | Action |
1 | N/A | Entry is ignored.If no additional digits are dialed, repeats the Direc- |
| tory Dialing Message (to make a new name entry) up to twice and |
| then hangs up. |
N/A | Interprets the digit as a letter and waits 6 seconds for additional input | |
| (i.e., more letters or a # to conclude name entry). If no additional dig- |
| its are dialed, repeats the Directory Dialing Message (to make a new |
| name entry) up to twice and then hangs up. |
0 | UND (Not assigned) | Repeats the Directory Dialing Message (to make a new name entry) |
| each time the caller dials the digit. |
| Caller routes according to the 0 action of the Next Call Routing Mail- | |
| box) | box’s Dial Action Table. |
* | N/A | Repeats the Directory Dialing Message (to make a new name entry) |
| each time the caller dials the digit. |
# | UND (Not assigned) | Routes to the Automated Attendant (i.e., back to the Call Routing |
| Mailbox that initially answered the call). |
| Routes to the Next Call Routing Mailbox and plays that mailbox’s | |
| box) | Instruction Menu. |
Timeout | N/A | Repeats the Directory Dialing Message (to make a new name entry) |
| up to two times and then hangs up. |
44 ◆ IntraMail Features | DSX Feature Handbook |