A user can record a Greeting for their mailbox callers to hear.
A Subscriber Mailbox user can record a personalized greeting for their mailbox. Caller’s to the user’s mail- box hear the prerecorded personalized greeting rather than a default message. The greeting can announce the subscriber’s name, provide a personal message (such as “Hello - I am on vacation this week”), or instruct the caller how to leave a message or use other mailbox options. A greeting that provides mailbox instructions is very helpful if the mailbox has a Next Call Routing Mailbox set up that provides additional dialing options. Without the greeting, the caller would not know which digits to dial.
If a greeting has not been recorded, a caller leaving a message in the subscriber mailbox will hear, “At the tone, you can leave your message for (extension number or name).”
While listening to a mailbox greeting, a caller can dial * to immediately leave a message.
Multiple Greetings
A subscriber can record up to three personalized greetings for their mailbox and make any one of the three active. Callers to the user’s mailbox hear the active greeting rather than a default message. When a caller leaves a message in the subscriber’s mailbox, they hear the active greeting. This allows the subscriber, for example, to record separate greetings for work hours, after work, and during vacation. Instead of rerecording their greeting when they leave the office, they can just activate the “after work” greeting instead.
Remote Greetings
A Subscriber Mailbox user can call into the Automated Attendant, access their mailbox, and remotely record their mailbox greeting. Following are two of the ways a user can do this:
❥After the Automated Attendant answers, dial a digit (typically #) followed by their mailbox number. This method allows outside callers to log into their Subscriber Mailboxes from outside the company. Once they log into their mailbox, the user can dial G to record a greeting.
❥If an extension has a Direct Inward Line that is forwarded to voice mail, the caller can dial # and log into their mailbox (instead of leaving a message). Once they log into their mailbox, the user can dial G to record a greeting. This option must be set up in the Next Call Routing Mailbox.
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