2) Creating zone
Use the "zonecreate" command to create a zone.
Format of "zonecreate" command
zonecreate "zonename" , | "member;member;member" |
(1) | (2) |
Specify a zone name with it enclosed by double quotation marks (").
Specify a domain ID and a port number (decimal) with them delimited by a comma (,).
Delimit the zone name and the first port with a comma (,).
Delimit adjacent port specifications with a semicolon (;).
A zone name can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters.
This command must be done by the number of zones to be created.
3.Use the "zonecreate" command on the console screen to create zones.
HW060000955:admin> zonecreate "zone1","1,0;1,1"
HW060000955:admin> zonecreate "zone2","1,2;1,3"
HW060000955:admin> zonecreate "zone3","1,4;1,5"
HW060000955:admin> zonecreate "zone4","1,6;1,7"
Any commands used on the switch console should be specified with lowercase letters.
4.Type "zoneshow" on the console screen.
HW060000955:admin> zoneshow Defined configuration: zone: zone1 1,0;1,1 zone: zone2 1,2;1,3 zone: zone3 1,4;1,5 zone: zone4 1,6;1,7
Effective configuration: no configuration in effect
Confirm that all created zones appear by using the "zonecreate" command.
After a zone name, ports contained in the zone appear. Confirm that the specified ports appear normally.
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