NETGEAR ProSafe SSL VPN Concentrator 25 SSL312 Reference Manual
3.Fill out all of the fields with the appropriate information.
4.Check the Generate a
If all information is entered correctly, a crt.zip file will be created. This file includes a server.crt and a server.key key file. You will need to provide these files to the Certificate Authority.
Note: Do not directly upload the CSR to SSL VPN Concentrator.
5.Click Apply. A file Download screen will display. Click Save to save the csr.zip file to a disk location.
6.Click Back to return to the Certificates screen.
7.In the Import Digital Certificate table, select Browse to locate the zipped digital certificate file on your disk or network drive. Any file name will be accepted, but it must have the “.zip” extension. The zipped file should contain a certificate file named “server.crt”
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