Table 14. Alarm condition description.
Alarm | Description | Error source |
Bitrate regulation in | The regulation algorithm is working with |
progress | bitrate estimation. |
This alarm may stay on the first minutes after tuning to a new IP stream. If the alarm does not clear, the input stream may be a variable bitrate stream.
SNTP server | Unit is unable to connect to SNTP |
unreachable | server. |
There is no SNTP server on the configured IP address or there is no contact with the SNTP server due to network problems.
No sync | No valid ASI input stream detected. |
The problem can be related to a problem with the sending device or the cable.
Too high | Internal temperature of unit is too high. | The fans are not working or forced |
temperature |
| cooling is required. |
Sequence error | Analysis of the sequence number of the | Typically this error is generated by |
| RTP layer indicates that IP frames have | packets being dropped by some |
| been lost or that they have been | equipment in the network, f.ex when a |
| received out of order | link is overloaded. |
Defective fan | There is an error with fan of the unit | Hardware problem. |
No data received | No data received on Ethernet input for | The most likely error is that there is a |
| stream | |
| UDP port are not correctly configured. |
| The error can result from an error with |
| the transmitting unit or an error on the |
| network. |
No lock | The IP receive channel is not able to |
| find an initial bitrate for the data |
| received. |
The stream contains a PCR PID with an invalid clock reference.
Data lost | Stream received is incomplete and a |
| valid ASI output can not be expected |
See ‘Sequence errors’. If you have ‘Sequence errors’ but not ‘Data lost’, all frames are received but they are out of sequence, or enough data is received for the FEC engine to correct all lost frames.
ARP unresolved | IP address not resolved into physical |
| MAC address. |
This error may be caused by wrong default gateway configured, wrong unicast IP address on same subnet or unit on same subnet does not respond.
Ethernet link down | No link on Ethernet layer | No connection on physical layer. |
Input buffer | The total bitrate of the IP input streams | There is a configuration error or one of |
overflow | is too high. | the sources is generating a too high |
| bitrate. |
Output buffer | The total bitrate of the ASI input |
overflow | streams is too high. |
There is a configuration error or one of the sources is generating a too high bitrate.
The description of the severity levels of the different alarms are given in Section 5.2.6.
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