Safety Notice
Safety Notice
The following information is important for the safe and efficient operation of the iR1200 modem. Please read this safety notice before operating the modem.
Safe and Efficient Operation Guidelines
Your modem contains a transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and transmits radio frequency (RF) energy. The modem operates in the frequency range of 806 MHz to 870 MHz and utilizes the digital modulation techniques. This product is authorized by FCC Rule Part 47CFR2.989 (b) which states that it should be used in such a way that it maintains a distance of at least 8 inches (20 cms) between the human body and the radio's antenna or modem. When you use your modem, the system handling your call controls the power level at which your modem transmits. The output power level typically varies from 0 mW to 700 mW.
Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy
Your modem is designed to comply with the United States Federal Communications Commission, Code of Federal Regulations; FCC part
Medical and Personal Electronic Devices
Most electronic equipment is protected from RF energy. However, certain equipment may not be shielded against RF signals being emitted from your modem.
Operators should not use the modem if individuals with pacemakers are within 6 inches (0.15 meters) of the antenna.
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