iR1200 Modem
will be delivered in the same order in which they were sent. IP acts as a postal system, allowing you to address a package and drop it in the system, but doesn’t provide a direct link between you and the recipient. TCP/IP, on the other hand, establishes a connection between two hosts so that they can send messages back and forth for a period of time.
Terminal Mode
The mode that accepts AT commands. Also known as Command Mode. When your modem is in this mode, it is waiting to receive AT commands that you type from your communications software.
Transmission Rate
The rate at which data is transferred measured in bits per second. Common transfer rates are 9.6bps / 19200bps / 57600bps / 115200bps
Universal Time Coordinated. Uniform atomic time system/standard that is maintained by the US Naval Observatory. UTC defines the local solar mean time at the Greenwich Meridian.
UTC Offset
The difference between local time and UTC (Example: UTC – EST = 5 hours).