Grounding the 8010co chassis
Ground the 8010co chassis to avoid electrical hazard and ensure optimal performance.
Nortel recommends grounding the 8010co chassis before you connect power cables or network cables to your switch.
•Verify that you have the following tools and materials:
—A nut and locking washer for the grounding stud
Procedure steps
Step Action
1Locate the shelf grounding point on the rack.
The rack grounding point is a grounding strip located on the back, base, top, or side.
The rack grounding strip can look different than the one shown in “Procedure job aid: Grounding the 8010co chassis” (page 41) the procedure job aid.
2Attach the lug ends of the chassis ground cables to the rack grounding strip using a
For more information, see “Procedure job aid: Grounding the 8010co chassis” (page 41).
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 8600
Quick Start
30 May 2008
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