Copyright © Nortel Networks Limited 2006 | 42 |
7Enter your password: system [Enter]
8Define server ip address <IP address of the terminal server>
9Define server ip subnet mask
10Define server ip primary gateway address <ip address of the primary gateway> [Enter]
11Define port:<select port from range
Note: Type a range
12Define port for use with SMDI: Define port 19 telnet newline filtering none
Note: You can verify the ports with the command:show ports
13Save your changes.
14Log out.
Note: Using the command define saves the configuration.
15To kill a session on a port, type: logout port 12 [Enter]
Procedure 9 Connecting a server to the MRV LX terminal server
The procedures in this document assume that you are using PuTTY. It is suggested that you download from the web, PuTTY VT 100 Emulator, a freeware configurator tool to set up sessions.
Download PuTTY from
At the management pc,
1Connect a
2Launch PuTTY.
Note: Refer to the
3In the hostname field, enter <IP address of the MRV LX terminal server>