11. Online Information
C11.field rot. Field rotation. Lower left corner of overlay is the pivot point.
0Top of overlay points to top of supply
1Top of overlay points to left of supply
2Top of overlay points to bottom of supply
3Top of overlay points to right of supply
C12.fixed char. Fixed characters to appear in the field. Maximum 100 characters. Surround with quotation marks.
Example C,350,40,0,1,1,1,B,L,0,0,"Dry Clean Only" p
∙Constant text overlay
∙Lower left corner of field at row = 3.5 inches
∙Column = 0.4 inches
∙Default spacing
∙Standard font
∙Height magnification 1x
∙Width magnification 1x
∙Black characters
∙Characters aligned left
∙No character rotation
∙No field rotation
∙"Dry Clean Only" prints on all tags.
Online Information