
￿TESTS — how many tests have been run. Four figures are shown: daily (upper left), weekly (upper right), and monthly (lower left) periodic

selftests, and battery insertion selftests (lower right). ￿ REV — device language, model, and software revision.

Battery History

Information about use of the battery currently installed in your FR2+ is also available. To review the history of the battery, select NEXT from the menu screen displayed when you insert the battery, then select BATTERY HISTORY from the next menu displayed.

The battery history information is read from the internal memory of the battery.

It includes:

￿ USE MINUTES — the total operating time (in minutes), including selftest

time, for this battery;

￿ CHARGES — the total number of full defibrillation charges that have been

provided by this battery, including selftest charges;

￿ BATTERY — a GOOD BATTERY (M3863A) or a fuel gauge display

(M3848A) showing 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%, or a LOW BATTERY or

REPLACE BATTERY message, as appropriate.

￿ STATUS — the current status of this battery, displayed in a binary code. Make a note of this code if technical service is needed.

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Image 36
Philips M3861A, M3860A manual Battery History