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uninterrupted view of the “eye” in the other. (See the diagram on the back of the first page of this manual.) The two devices should be no more than 1 meter apart.
5.Select SEND TIME from the CLOCK screen on the “sending” HeartStart FR2+.
6.Select RECEIVE TIME from the CLOCK screen of the “receiving” FR2+.
7.A new screen comes up. Until the two FR2+ devices are properly positioned, the screen on the receiving FR2+ displays READY TO
RECEIVE and prompts you to check the sending FR2+. The screen on the sending FR2+ displays READY TO SEND and prompts you to check the receiving FR2+.
8.Clock settings are automatically transferred as soon as the infrared ports are correctly aligned.
Using Advanced Mode Features
The HeartStart FR2+ provides an advanced mode that allows responders who are appropriately trained to override the programmed FR2+ protocol and take responsibility for certain aspects of the operating sequence used by the FR2+ to treat the patient.
As described earlier in this chapter, the factory default setup of the FR2+ must be modified to provide access to advanced mode features. This requires use of the administration function of the M3864A training & administration pack.
If you are an expert user authorized by your Medical Director to modify setup,
hold down both the Option buttons while installing the training &6 administration pack in the FR2+, then select SETUP. Then select MODIFY
SETUP from the SETUP menu. Select ADVANCED from the third menu of the MODIFY SETUP menu.
Using the upper Option button, scroll through the available settings for ADVANCED. The advanced mode options available are based on the FR2+
Setup and Advanced Mode Features