
rhythm analysis

speaker volume

see SMART analysis

definition 6-1


programmable settings 6-1

P hili ps Me dical Sy stems


safety considerations 5-1


battery insertion 2-4daily 4-1

monthly 4-1periodic 2-5,4-1

sensitivity, definition D-4

setup definition D-4reading setup 6-8receiving setup 6-6


see SMART biphasic waveform

Shock button, description of use C-1

shock series definition 6-2,D-4programmable settings 6-2

shock waveform

see SMART biphasic waveform

shockable rhythms D-4

SMART analysis definition D-4during CPR 3-6specifications B-4

SMART biphasic waveform definition D-4

energy delivered B-3shock delivery vector B-4shock waveform B-2specification B-2

solid red X

see Status Indicator

specifications battery B-6

controls and indicators B-5defibrillator B-2defibrillator pads B-7display screen B-5

ECG analysis performance B-5ECG analysis system B-4environmental B-1

physical B-1

specificity, definition D-4

standby mode, definition D-4

standby temperature B-1

Status Indicator description D-4

flashing black hourglass C-2flashing red X 4-12,C-2

in standby mode 2-5solid red X C-2

sterilization 4-3

storage conditions B-1

sudden cardiac arrest, definition D-4


on accessory packaging C-3on battery C-4

on FR2+ control panel and back label C-1

on FR2+ display screen C-2on FR2+ status indicator C-2on Instructions for Use C-1

symbols and controls C-1



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Philips M3860A, M3861A manual Index