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N O T E : If you make no selection for 10 seconds, the selftest will automatically run. If you want to select something different from either of these menus, you must do so before the selftest begins, or remove and
reinstall the battery to bring up the main menu. You can press the On/Off 2 button at any time to turn off the FR2+ and return it to standby (ready for
use) mode. To use the FR2+, press the On/Off button again.
Setting the Clock
It is recommended that the first time you prepare your HeartStart FR2+ Defibrillator for use, you check the FR2+’s internal clock to be sure it is set to the correct date and local time. You can reset it if necessary.
To see the clock settings, select NEXT from the first menu, within 10 seconds of installing the battery, and then select CLOCK. To do this:
1. Press the lower Option button to move the highlight bar to NEXT.
2. Press the upper Option button to bring up the NEXT screen.
3. Press the lower Option button to move the highlight bar to CLOCK.
4. Press the upper Option button to bring up the CLOCK screen.
The CLOCK screen displays the date and time currently set in the internal clock of the FR2+.
N O T E : The date is displayed as day (DD), month (MM), and year (YY), as shown on the screen. The time is displayed using the
If no changes to the clock settings are needed, select RETURN and go back to the first menu. If the date and time are not correct, there are two ways to set them:
Receive the clock settings from another FR2+ or from a computer using HeartStart Event Review® software,* using the RECEIVE TIME option. This may be used to synchronize the clocks of several FR2+s. You can also send the clock settings from one FR2+ to another one, using the SEND TIME option. See Chapter 6, “Setup and Advanced Mode Features,” for instructions.
Manually set the date and the time.
*HeartStart Event Review software was previously sold as CodeRunner software.
Preparing Your HeartStart FR2+ for Use