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4Maintaining, Testing, and Troubleshooting Your HeartStart FR2+
This chapter provides information on HeartStart FR2+ Defibrillator maintenance, detailed descriptions of the selftests, and a guide to troubleshooting.
Maintenance of the FR2+ is very simple, but it is a very important factor in its dependability. The FR2+ performs many maintenance activities itself. These
include daily and weekly selftests to verify readiness for use and more4 detailed monthly selftests that also verify the shock waveform delivery
system. In addition, a detailed selftest is run whenever a battery is installed in the FR2+.
The FR2+ requires no calibration or verification of energy delivery. The FR2+ has no
C A U T I O N : Improper maintenance may damage the FR2+ or cause it to function improperly. Maintain the FR2+ only as described in this User's Guide or as designated by your program's Medical Director.
C A U T I O N : Electrical shock hazard. Dangerous high voltages and currents are present. Do not open the FR2+, remove its covers, or attempt repair. There are no
The following table presents a schedule of suggested maintenance for the FR2+. Different frequency intervals may be appropriate, depending upon the environment in which the FR2+ is used. The required maintenance frequency is at the discretion of your program’s Medical Director.