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The screen displays a message that the selftest has failed. After a short time, an error code is displayed. Write down the error code and contact
Philips Medical Systems for technical support.
The Status Indicator shows a flashing or solid red X.
Replace the battery with a new battery and repeat the test. If the second selftest fails, contact Philips Medical Systems for technical support.
If the automatic part of the selftest passes:
The screen displays a message that the selftest passed, then begins the interactive part of the test.
The interactive part of the selftest requires you to respond to prompts in order to make sure the display, buttons, lights, and speaker on the FR2+ are working properly.
Screen prompts guide you through a series of steps in the interactive part of
the selftest. Some ask you to observe that a feature of the FR2+ works 4 properly. Others ask you to take certain actions — for example, to press a
button. The screen then displays a message showing that the button’s operation has been verified. If you do not press the button, or if you do but the button is not working, the screen displays a message that the button’s function is not verified.
It is important to press the buttons and verify the indicators to ensure that the FR2+ will be ready for use. If something does not work correctly — for example, if lights do not come on or you do not hear beeps when expected — make a note of the problem and contact Philips Medical Systems for technical support.
N O T E : Do not use the FR2+ until all parts of the interactive selftest verify correct performance. Be sure to note and report any problems you find.
Maintaining, Testing, and Troubleshooting Your HeartStart FR2+