Polycom V500 manual Configuring Remote Control Behavior, Configuring Directory Settings

Models: V500

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Administrator’s Guide for the V500 System





Recent Calls

Specifies whether to display the Recent Calls button on the home


screen. The Recent Calls screen lists the site number or name,


the date and time, and whether the call was incoming or outgoing.


NOTE: If the Call Detail Report option is not selected, the Recent


Calls option is not available.



Far Site Name

Specifies the time period the far-site name appears on screen

Display Time

when calls first connect.



Configuring Remote Control Behavior

You can customize the behavior of the remote control to support the your environment.

To configure remote control behavior:

1.Go to System > Admin Settings > General Settings > System Settings > Remote Control.

2.Configure these settings:





Keypad Audio

Specifies whether to play a voice confirmation of numbers


selected with the remote control.



Remote Control

Specifies whether the camera moves to presets or creates DTMF


tones when the remote control keypad buttons are pressed.



Configuring Directory Settings

You can customize the behavior of the Directory on the Directory screen.

To configure system settings:

1.Go to System > Admin Settings > General Settings > System Settings > Directory.

2.Configure these settings:





System Name

Enter or change the system name in this field. This name appears


on the screen for the far site when you are making calls.



Allow Directory

Specifies whether you can save changes you make to the





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Polycom V500 Configuring Remote Control Behavior, Configuring Directory Settings, To configure remote control behavior