Polycom V500 manual Using Dual Monitor Emulation, Setting Up, Near site presses PIP

Models: V500

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Administrator’s Guide for the V500 System

Using Dual Monitor Emulation

With Dual Monitor Emulation, you see both near and far sites on one monitor in two different views. During presentations, you see content and the near and far sites.

Setting Up

On the monitor’s setup menu, select the full-screen setting that


stretches the picture uniformly, without clipping.

On the TV Monitor screen:

1.If you are using a wide screen monitor, set Monitor to 16:9. Otherwise, set Monitor to 4:3.

2.Select Dual Monitor Emulation.

Using in a Call

Call connects

Near and far site are the same size and appear side by side.

Far site

Near site

Near site presses PIP

Size of far site window increases.

Far site presents to near site

Content, near site, and far site are displayed in dual monitor emulation mode.

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Polycom V500 manual Using Dual Monitor Emulation, Setting Up, Select Dual Monitor Emulation Using in a Call Call connects