Polycom V500 manual Diagnostic Screens, To access the Diagnostics screens on the system

Models: V500

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Chapter 7 - Diagnostics and General Troubleshooting

Diagnostic Screens

You can view network statistics and perform diagnostic tests from the

V500 system’s Diagnostics screens.

To access the Diagnostics screens on the system:

>> Go to System > Diagnostics.

To access the Diagnostics screens from the V500 web interface:

1.On a PC, open a web browser.

2.In the browser address line, enter the system’s IP address (for example, to go to V500 web interface.

3.Enter your user name and the password, if a password has been established.

4.Go to System Setup > Diagnostics and select one of the tools from the Diagnostics menu.

The following diagnostic screem amd tools are available:

Call Status Tools

Diagnostic Tool

In the system’s user interface

In the V500 web interface




System Status screen

On the Diagnostics screen, select

Select Diagnostics > System

Displays system status information,

System Status.






including auto-answer point to point,




remote control battery, time server, Global




Directories, IP network, gatekeeper,




UPnP, and ISDN BRI line.







Call Summary screen

1. On the Diagnostics screen,

Select Diagnostics > System

Displays calling information, such as time

select System Status.

Status > Call Summary.

2. Select

to go to the Call


spent in calls, total number of IP and ISDN


calls, and percentage of time spent in IP

Summary screen.


and ISDN calls.




For more information about this screen, see Call Summary on



page 6-2.







© Polycom, Inc.

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Polycom V500 manual Diagnostic Screens, To access the Diagnostics screens on the system, Go to System Diagnostics