Multinational Character Set Errors
was expected. Error was caused possibly by an invalid numeric
value or an alpha character.
153 USET substituted character illegal - must be 1 of 16
During character substitution in the USET command, the hex
value for the character being replaced must be one of the
specified 16 hex values. Only the following hex values (Ca) ca n
be replaced by another hex value (Fa): 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 40,
5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 60, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E.
154 USET defined character illegal - must be hex 20-FF
During the USET command, the hex value for the substituted
character (Fa) must range between 20 and FF hex. The value
given may be out of bounds.
155 USET syntax error - END command is expected
An END command is expected when the USET character set
definition is completed.
156 No such CONFIGuration option
157 Left or Top/Bottom margin too large for the current page
158-159 Not defined.