ACK/NAK – With ACK/NAK protocol selected, the printer responds as described for ETX/ACK pro- tocol except the printer monitors the received data for parity error. If a parity error is detected, a NAK character is transmitted to the host upon receipt of the ETX character. The host is expected to repeat the data transmission.
RS–232 Serial Interface Configuration
The printer is configured at the factory. However, the configuration is also user selectable. The follow- ing configuration parameters can be verified or changed as necessary to meet specific application re- quirements:
•Data Protocol of hardware (DTR, Reverse Channel, or RTS), or
•Data Rate (baud rate selected from the control panel)
•Data Word Length (7 or 8 bits)
•Stop Bits (1 or 2 bits)
•Parity (odd, even, or none)
•Bit 8 Function (font select, PI line, or ignore)
•CD and CTS signal (enable or disable)
•DSR signal (enable or disable)
•Data Terminal Ready response logic
•Request to Send response logic
•Reverse Channel response logic
These parameters are displayed under the Application Compatibility/Host Interface/Serial
NOTE: Do not use the bit 8 function to set the PI line if the host does not use it for paper control; rapid paper slewing may occur.
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