Correct the Timing of Your Playing as You Record (Recording Quantize)

The Quantize function automatically corrects inaccuracies in the timing of your keyboard performance, aligning the notes to accurate timing intervals. During realtime recording, you can quantize while you record.

Set the following recording parameters in addition to the basic settings described in step 3 of “Basic Operation for Realtime Recording” (p. 129).


Specify whether to quantize while recording.


OFF: Quantize will not be applied while recording.

GRID: Grid Quantize will be applied while recording. Use this when you want the timing to be accurate, such as when recording drums or bass.

Grid quantize with Resolution =

SHUFFLE: Shuffle Quantize will be applied while recording. Use this when you want to give the rhythm a “shuffle” or “swing” character.

Shuffle quantize with Rate = 75%

Grid Resolution

Make this setting when you are using Grid Quantize. Specify the quantization interval in terms of a note value. Select the shortest note value that will occur in the range to which Grid Quantize will be applied.

Value: , , , , , ,

Strength (Grid Quantize Strength)

Make this setting when you are using Grid Quantize. It specifies the degree to which notes will be adjusted toward the timing intervals specified by the Grid Resolution parameter. With a setting of “100%,” the notes will be corrected precisely to the timing of the Grid Resolution parameter. As you lower this setting, the note timing will be corrected to a lesser extent, and with a setting of “0%” the timing will not be adjusted at all.

Value: 0–100

Shuffle Resolution

When you are using Shuffle Quantize, make this setting to specify the note value used for quantization.

Value: ,

Recording Songs

Rate (Shuffle Quantize Rate)

Make this setting when using Shuffle Quantize. It specifies the degree to which the backbeat will be separated from the downbeat specified by the Shuffle Resolution parameter. With a setting of “50%,” the backbeat will be exactly between adjacent downbeats. With a setting of “0%,” the backbeat will be moved to the same timing as the preceding downbeat. With a setting of “100%,” the backbeat will be moved to the same timing as the following downbeat.

Value: 0–100

Selecting the Sequencer Data that will Be Recorded (Recording Select)

When you use realtime recording, all of your sequencer data will normally be recorded. If you want to avoid recording a specific type of data, you can turn its Recording Select setting “OFF.”

1.Access the Recording Standby window (p. 129).

2.Press [8 (RecSel)].

The Recording Select window appears.











Note: Note messages. These MIDI messages represent notes.



to select the sequencer data (MIDI


messages) that will be recorded.

Poly Aftertouch: Polyphonic aftertouch. These MIDI messages apply aftertouch to individual keys.

Control Change: Control change messages. These MIDI messages apply various effects such as modulation or expression.

Program Change: Program change messages. These MIDI messages select sounds.

Channel Aftertouch: Channel aftertouch messages. These MIDI messages apply aftertouch to an entire MIDI channel.

Pitch Bend: Pitch bend messages. These MIDI messages change the pitch.

System Exclusive: System exclusive messages. These MIDI messages are used to make settings unique to the Fantom, such as sound parameters.

4. Press [8 (On/Off)] to specify whether the message will be recorded or not recorded.

The message will be recorded if you assign a check mark (), and will not be recorded if you remove the check mark.

If you press [5 (All Off)], no sequencer data will be recorded. If you press [6 (All On)], all of the sequencer data will be recorded.

5. Press [EXIT] to close the Recording Select window.


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