RuggedRouter User Guide
Running a loop test on an active interface will immediately cause it to go down.
The loop test automatically initializes the trunk after completing the test.
Current Routes & Inte rface Table
The table provided by this command is as described in the Networking menu,
Network Utilities sub-menu. It is also provided here as a convenience.
Upgradin g Software
For some customers, access to remote sites in accomplished solely by a T1 or E1
connection. Usually a software upgrade will stop the system being upgraded,
perform the upgrade and then restart it. If T1E1 was upgraded in this way, the
upgrade would fail as the T1E1 link was taken down. Instead, T1E1 software
upgrades modify only the software on the disk. You must schedule a reboot in order
to run the new version of T1E1 software.
Upgradin g Firmware
RuggedCom T1E1 interfaces reside upon PCI interface cards. These cards contain
FLASH memory which (from time to time) will be required to be upgraded. The
upgrade process will take down the T1E1 links, upgrade the firmware and then restart
the interfaces.
Note: T he upgrade process requires u pwards of 15 minutes for each PCI inter face
card. B ecause of the lengt hy duratio n require d to upgra de the int erfaces, RuggedCom
does no t automati cally per form the f irmware up grade. I nstead, th e schedul ing of the
upgrade is left to the user .
The upgrade can be performed by signing on to the platform via the console or ssh
and running the command “/usr/sbin/update-wanfirmware”. If the ssh connection has
been made over an active T1E1 interface, the connection will fail but the upgrade will
The upgrade can also be scheduled for a specific time by using the System menu,
Scheduled Commands sub-menu. Set the Commands to execute field to
“/usr/sbin/update-wanfirmware proceed”, set the Run in directory field to “/root”
and set the Run at time field to the desired upgrade time.
After the upgrade completes, alarms recommending an upgrade will be cleared.
76 RuggedCom