6-7. Table of Self-Diagnostic Functions and Corrections (X, T, U, K Type)













Wired remote

Indoor unit


















Simultaneous-operation multi system

Control by main-sub


controller display

receiver lamp


1:1 connection (single type)


Group connection






(flexible combination)

remote controllers




























Nothing is

Nothing is

Remote controller is not connected correctly.

Remote controller is not connected with

Same as at left

Same as at left

Connect the remote controller correctly.


Indoor unit power is not ON.

indoor unit correctly










Turn ON the indoor unit power.







Indoor unit power is not ON.






















Automatic address setting has not been

Automatic address setting has not been

Same as at left

Same as at left

Check the remote controller and inter-unit










control wiring.


E 0 1 displayed


Inter-unit control wiring is cut or is not

Inter-unit control wiring is cut or is not





Perform automatic address setting.




connected correctly.

connected correctly.









Remote controller is not connected correctly

Remote controller is not connected with









(remote controller receiving failure).

indoor unit correctly







E 0 2 displayed

Operating lamp

Remote controller is not connected correctly

Remote controller is not connected with

Same as at left

Same as at left

Connect the remote controller correctly.


is blinking.

(failure in transmission from remote controller

indoor unit correctly









to indoor unit).










E 0 9 displayed











2 remote controllers are

Refer to 11-8-6 Main-sub remote control, and












set as the main remote

make the correct settings.



























E 1 4 displayed








Remote controller crossover wiring is cut or

Same as at left

Check the remote controller crossover wiring.









is not connected correctly.


Perform automatic address setting again.






















E 0 4 displayed


Indoor-outdoor inter-unit wiring is not

Same as at left

Same as at left

Same as at left

Connect the wiring correctly.



connected correctly.





























Indoor-outdoor inter-unit wiring is cut or

Same as at left

Same as at left

Refer to 11-8 System Control, and make the


E 0 6 displayed

Standby lamp




is not connected correctly.





correct settings.
















is blinking.













E 1 5 displayed

Indoor unit capacity is too low.

Same as at left

Same as at left

Same as at left

Check that the total capacities of the indoor
















and outdoor units are appropriate.


E 1 6 displayed


Indoor unit capacity is too high.

















































Check that the indoor unit power is ON, and that


E 2 0 displayed


No serial signal is being received at all from










the indoor units.








the inter-unit control wiring is connected correctly.
















P 0 5 displayed

Operation lamp and

Inter-unit circuit or open phase in the outdoor

Reversed phase or open phase in the

Reversed phase or open phase in the

Same as at left

Reverse 2 phases of the outdoor unit 3-phase


Standby lamp are

unit power

3-phase power at one of the outdoor

outdoor unit 3-phase power


power and connect them correctly.



blinking alternately.

Insufficient gas

units in the group







L 0 2 displayed

Both the Operation

Indoor-outdoor unit type mismatch

Same as at left

Same as at left


Check that the indoor and outdoor unit types


L 1 3 displayed

lamp and Standby











are correct.



lamp are blinking




















Remote controller crossover wiring is connected

Same as at left

Perform automatic address setting.


L 0 7 displayed
















to the indoor unit, however it is set for individual


























P 0 9 displayed

Timer lamp and

The indoor unit ceiling panel connector is not

Ceiling panel connector at one of the

Indoor unit ceiling panel connector is not

Same as at left

Connect the indoor unit ceiling panel


Standby lamp are

connected correctly.

indoor units in the group is not

connected correctly.


connector correctly.



blinking alternately.




connected correctly.














































6. Test run


Page 175
Image 175
Sanyo XH4272R / C4272R, XH2672R, UH3672R / CH3672R, XH4272R / CH4272R, XH3672R / C3672R, UH2672R / CH2672R VI-5