106 Media player

Create new playlist

You can order several tracks in playlists.

Playlists Select category on the top level of the music tab and confirm with C.

<New playlist>

Select and confirm with C.


Enter name and confirm

with C.


Add files to playlist via the options menu (page 107).


All files are listed with thumbnail, file name and size.

Display picture

If started from another application, e.g. MMS, skip to previous/next picture of that folder.

#Switch full screen mode and normal view.



Select file and confirm


with C.

The media player offers the following functions for video playback:


Playback/Pause depend-


ing on current state.

(not within live stream)



Rewind/Fast forward if



For volume settings, see music playback (page 105).


Select file and confirm with C.


The Bookmarks tab shows a listing of

The following functions can be applied to a displayed picture:


Zoom picture (see be-


low). F / INavigate


within the picture in


zoom mode

Skip to previous/next pic-



ture in the directory.

up to 30 streaming content links on the phone and RS MultiMediaCard. Each URL must correspond to a single online audio/video file. These bookmarks are not listed as browser bookmarks.

The first line of each item is the name of the bookmark. When select- ed, a second line with the URL/path to the online content is displayed.