Inbox 61

Read options menu

Depending on the current situation, different functions will be offered.

§Options§ Open menu.


Start view mode


(page 54).


CB: If e-mail address is


highlighted select MMS/E-



Send MMS

MMS: If e-mail address is


highlighted create new



Open link

If URL is highlighted: Start


browser (page 87).

Save link

If URL is highlighted: Start


browser and add URL to


bookmarks (page 90).

Play again

MMS: Start playback vid-


eo/audio slide.

e.g. Save

Select To phone/To card


as save location. Down-


loaded file is saved in cor-


responding My stuff folder


(page 108).


Same for picture, text and



Call number

If number is highlighted:


Dial number.


If calendar object is select-


ed: Save calendar event


(page 96).

For standard functions see page 20.

Downloading ringtones and logos

You can receive links for downloading ringtones, logos, screensavers, animations and information about applications with an SMS. Highlight this link and, by pressing the

Call key A, start the download. Please check that the dial-in access is configured.

Remember that ringtones/logos may be protected (DRM, page 18).


If more than one account is config- ured, the list of accounts is displayed (page 72).

Before an e-mail can be read, it must be retrieved from the server. The e-mail application is blocked until download is completed.

The listed files and the options menu vary depending on the receive server type (page 72) of the selected account.