92 Internet
I Navigate to input fields.
Application is:
Select Trusted/Untrusted.
Send/rec. message:/Internet access: Select the security permission for the application. Available settings are: Allow always/Ask at start/ Ask each time/Never Allow.
Java settings
I Navigate to input fields.
Connection profile:
Select profile (page 119).
Proxy deactive:
You can configure whether or not the JAM should use the Internet profile when opening an http connection. Select Yes/No.
Internet profile:
(only if Proxy deactive: is No) Select profile (page 119).
§Options§ Open menu and select Save.
Additional information
You can use the browser to download applications (e.g. ringtones, games, pictures, anima- tions) from the Internet.
Siemens excludes all warranty and liability claims in respect of or in connection with any applications subsequently installed by the customer and any software not included in the original delivery package. This also applies to functions enabled subsequently at the customer's instigation. The purchaser bears sole risk for the loss of, damage to, and any defects arising in, this device or the applications and for any direct damage or consequential damage of whatever nature resulting from the use of this application. For technical rea- sons, such applications and subsequent enabling of certain functions are lost in the event of the device being