38 Contacts

Several numbers selected

If several contacts or a distribution list is selected:

The call key A and the video call key jhave no effect.


All contacts (excluding SIM contacts) are displayed in alphabetical order. Distribution lists and groups are displayed additionally.

Contacts can include 4 numbers,

4e-mail addresses, 2 URLs, 2 fax numbers and 2 postal addresses. You can set one value as default for each type (page 39).

New entry

<New entry> Select.

I Select the number type.

The possible input fields are organised on 4 tabs:


First and last name, important


numbers (private, business,


mobile phone).


E-mail address, fax number,


address and notes.


Office information and address.


Audio/video ringtone, pic-


ture, group, birthday and


display name.

Within the tabs:

I Select input fields. J Fill in input fields.

At least one name must be entered. The name of each contact must be unique. Always enter the number with prefix.

Assign media files

In some input fields (ringtone, video, picture) you can assign audio/video ringtones and pictures.


Select media field (e.g.



picture) and confirm


with C.

Depending on the media type you can either record a new media file via camera or sound recorder or select a file from the corresponding My stuff folder (page 108).

Additional information

In many situations, you can use the Camera key to open the camera application:

;Start camera application in picture/video mode (depend- ing on the selected field).

Save contact

§Options§ Open menu and select Save. Confirm request with C.

C Confirm save notification.